hi, today I wanna talk about my academic future, in the way of degrees of my profession or study another profession, mmm the truth about this is that is not in my mind nowadays to stay in the academic context for soo long, in fact, I just want to go out of the university and face the real work in real life, but I think that my profession is very performative, in the way that it can shape in many different areas or ways to do things, so i think I can complement it with different way to see the mental health, for example, I always have a very good impression about wisdom like reiki, or the indigenous perspective for attempt  mental illness, because its make to me so much more sense that the way that the academic field see and conceptualize the mental illness. in that way, this wisdoms have a too much more complete and holistic perspective, where its included notions like the contact with nature, the respect we owe to our environment and the consequences of doing bad things to it and to our body, taking into account the way we eat or our relationship with our body or spirituality, having a more community and less individualized way to attempt to all the malaise that we have in our life.


  1. I think you really should study and learn about those things, because it's really interesting and can be really useful even if the society doesn't values it.

  2. It would be very nice to mix some psychological knowledge with our ancestral knowledge. I agree with you, a located knowledge and practice makes much more sense than the more of the academic knowledge

  3. It's very interesting that you say, All psychologists must incorporate others knowledges, the saying that if don't scientifically proved, it isn't true is bullshit jajaja


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