Hi, today im going to talk about assasination of Camilo Catrillanca in hands of police officers and the chilean state.

To analize that case, its neccesary to think in the historical stance of the government with the Mapuches in the araucania, because this case is not a isolate sort of violence against this Etnical community, and there is a lot of other cases that show us that theres is a culture of violence against different forms of expression in "the territory of Chile", that the state are not respecting, and also, they are investing time, money and resources to have different ways to supress the population.

In this sense, we can name a lot of differents expressions of the violent culture against the mapuches by the state, like the disguise "Operacion Huracan", The case of the Machi Francisca Linconao, or the different assesination of mapuche people throuhg the recent years (https://www.laizquierdadiario.cl/15-mapuches-asesinados-en-los-gobiernos-de-la-Concertacion-y-la-derecha), theres is a link with the names of  15 mapuches murdered in "Democracy" times in chile.

So, this kind of cases are just manifestation of an structural kind of violence, that covers different dimensions of the life of all of us and specially the mapuche people, because theres is the mass media, that strives to form a negative opinion of the mapuche, and a possitive opinion to all the government agencies, we also have the economic model that exclude the cosmovision of the mapuche people in the relation with the nature, and we also have the Militarized institution that supress through psysical.

having this perspective, its not necessary to say that i dont trust in nothing that the government said about the Catrillanca´s case, its Crearly an assasination and they migth not just judge to the material authors of this but also to the authorities that  allow and encourage this kind of violence.

I leave this photo of Camilo Catrillanca´s tractor because i think its show the beauty and the strength of a comunnity that has fought for centuries


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