
Hi, today i going to talk about some changes i would like to do in my study programme, you know, we all have differents ideas of how to make better the university expierence, and i like to say how would i do it . in first place, i would like more hours of "practice" in our future profession when we are studying it, in psychology, we only have practice when we are in the 5th year of the programme, thats its so demotivating when you are in the firts years of it, because a experience with the real world can make you think better if the profession you choose are a god opcion for you, also the practice can bring perspectives that the academy world cant bring. i also like a lot that the professors have a better coordination in the way of the calendar of the evaluations of the subjects, because every end of semester the university means a lot of stress in the students, that make you leave for a considerable amount of time things that you love to do, to be able to give enough to
Hi, today im going to talk about assasination of Camilo Catrillanca in hands of police officers and the chilean state. To analize that case, its neccesary to think in the historical stance of the government with the Mapuches in the araucania, because this case is not a isolate sort of violence against this Etnical community, and there is a lot of other cases that show us that theres is a culture of violence against different forms of expression in "the territory of Chile", that the state are not respecting, and also, they are investing time, money and resources to have different ways to supress the population. In this sense, we can name a lot of differents expressions of the violent culture against the mapuches by the state, like the disguise "Operacion Huracan", The case of the Machi Francisca Linconao, or the different assesination of mapuche people throuhg the recent years (https://www.laizquierdadiario.cl/15-mapuches-asesinados-en-los-gobiernos-de-la-Concert
hi, today I wanna talk about a tv show or movies that I like a lot, maybe i don't necessary thinks in this two format to tell stories, but anyways, you will see. the first thing that came to my mind when I think in a good movie is the anime movie "perfect blue", this piece of art its a suspense and psychological terror film that tell the story of the changes of personality which can occur in the life of the people, giving a positive connotation to the change when its start by ourselves, therefore to address and problematize situations like the stalk. anyways, this movie its precious and the animation shows you a chaotic, sometimes sad and dreamlike animations that make you experiment a lot of feelings through the movie. this movie also inspires a lot the "black swan". The other story that I thought its "Berserk", a violent, extense and beautiful manga that have one of the best   illustrations that I see in my life, the author, Kentaro Miura, drew a
hi, today I wanna talk about my academic future, in the way of degrees of my profession or study another profession, mmm the truth about this is that is not in my mind nowadays to stay in the academic context for soo long, in fact, I just want to go out of the university and face the real work in real life, but I think that my profession is very performative, in the way that it can shape in many different areas or ways to do things, so i think I can complement it with different way to see the mental health, for example, I always have a very good impression about wisdom like reiki, or the indigenous perspective for attempt  mental illness, because its make to me so much more sense that the way that the academic field see and conceptualize the mental illness. in that way, this wisdoms have a too much more complete and holistic perspective, where its included notions like the contact with nature, the respect we owe to our environment and the consequences of doing bad things to it and to o
Hi, today im going to talk about my future job, its really difficult to me imagine which job i will have, because im not the kind of person that see himself too much in the future, maybe i just have some kind of ideas of what kind of things i can made to make money in my future life, but i always be a volatile person and i know that my interest and the places i will be will be changing across all my life . anyways, im studying psichology nowdays, and i like some areas of my future profession, like the educational area, but just in the theory, because the practice of this area in chile its very badly for the politics that regulate the forms of work in the educational institutions. Furthermore of this area in Psichology, i like the Clinical theory of my profession, but also i have some problems with how you can applicate it. Maybe im not sure of the work i will have, but i know the job i will not have, in this way, im sure that im never will work in anything that mean make bureaucrac
hi, today i going to talk you about the social media, i think that my relationship with that kind of forms of communication is very rare, because in certain periods of time i use a lot, uploading photos, or comment the things of my friends, but always i have some insecurity about if the sense of the message that i want to communicate to the others is understood by the people in the way i want, so that create to me an inherent anxiety about the relation that i have on the social medias, you know, is too much easy explain things or communicate feelings or ideas through a conversation in person, because we not only use the words to explain things when we are in front of one person, we also use movement, or noises or a lot of elements that are not in the social media. Anyway, i think that the thing that i more appreciate of the social medias are the MEMES, i think that the way you can communicate a lot of things that you need to much time to explain through a conversation can be explain
when i think in the best concert i've had go to, the first thing i think is in my first concert, it was a long time ago, like 10 years i think, i was only 13 years old, and i go to the first concert of "Hatebreed" in Chile, an american hardcore band that i love when i was a child, because they have the most stunning and heavy sound that i hear, with the most encouraging lyrics. I remember that i go with my best friend and her sister: Josue y Claudia, i think our experience in hatebreed concert was very funny, because there was a lot of big and rude guys making a enourmous mosh at the rhythm of the most heavy drummer in the Hardcore scene, and there we was, confused and excited for all that energizer moment with the voice of jamey jasta at the vocals, and the marvelous guitars that i will never forget. After that i remember that i found a lot of things in the place where it was the concert, like a t shirt of "2x", a Aggro band of our country, a lot of key